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Indexed Not Submitted in Sitemap

How To Fix Indexed Not Submitted In Sitemap

In this article, you are going to read about how to fix indexed not submitted in sitemap problem in google search console. We clearly give you a piece of brief information about why this problem occurs, how to fix this problem, and does it affects your SEO and Rankings

So let’s get Started

The Google Search Console has proven to be an invaluable resource for webmasters, particularly when it comes to tracking and improving Google search rankings. However, this tool might occasionally act strangely and disclose mistakes when you are unaware of how they occurred in the first place. So, what does ‘Indexed, not submitted in sitemap’ mean, and how do you fix it?

In this article, I’ll explain what the ‘Indexed, not submitted in sitemap’ status means and how to fix it. I’ve put together a list of measures you can take to identify the problem and find a solution.

What does it mean Indexed Not Submitted In Sitemap?

You should be aware that while this is not a significant issue, it can indicate that something isn’t being done properly.

The status Indexed, but not uploaded in sitemap means that Google has indexed these URLs on your website, but it hasn’t located them through the XML sitemap you’ve submitted.

This isn’t usually a significant deal, but it can indicate that you don’t have an XML sitemap, haven’t uploaded it to Google Search Console yet, or that crucial pages are missing from your XML sitemap.

Why Does Google Show This Message Even When The URL Is Submitted In The Sitemap?

This is due to the fact that Google does not crawl your sitemap immediately after it is updated. As a result, when it discovers a new URL related to your site, it tries to locate it in an older version of your sitemap stored in its memory but is unable to do so.

This is largely dependent on Google’s crawling frequency for your website. The higher the crawling frequency, the faster Google is likely to crawl your sitemap.

Indexed Not Submitted in Sitemap

 How to Fix This Error?

Once you’ve published a post or a page, double-check that it was correctly placed into the sitemap. As a result, you’ll need to go to your sitemap and look for the URL of the article you just published.

If you don’t know the URL of your sitemap, you may either ask your website’s developer or look it out on the website of your SEO plugin. After you’ve created your URL, you may start working on fixing your problem.

You’ll need to go to your sitemap first. You’ll need to double-check that the URL is listed in the sitemap. You can do so by using CTRL+F to conduct a simple search.

You’ll need to refresh the sitemap in Google’s memory once you’ve confirmed this. This can be done by going to ‘Google Search Console’ and then selecting ‘Sitemaps.’ When you come to this part, you’ll notice that your sitemap is already present, but the “last read” date is outdated.

As a result, you’ll need to submit the same sitemap once more. The date in the “last read” section will change as a result of this, and you will see the current date. This indicates that Google’s memory has been updated with the most recent version of your sitemap.

However, it is recommended that you wait 10 minutes after updating your sitemap before proceeding to the following step. This is due to the fact that Google Search Console is constantly being updated, which may cause the process to be delayed. It is preferable to remain patient in order to avoid any more problems.

After you’ve waited, you may move on to the next stage, which is to use the URL inspection tool once more to see what results in you’ll get. If you do not receive the status ‘Indexed, not submitted in the sitemap,’ it implies you have followed all of the steps correctly and your problem has been resolved.

Does this Matter

No, no because you’re including website URLs in the sitemap.xml file to get them indexed When a Google bot visits your website, it scans the sitemap and then finds the URLs and indexes that it is looking for. Now, according to the Google bot, URLs are indexed but not uploaded in the sitemap file.

Google bot has successfully discovered those URLs without accessing the sitemap file, indicating that Google bot is now capable of discovering and indexing URLs on your website without having to check the sitemap file. So, in my opinion, this is a positive thing.

Is it an error if a page is indexed but not uploaded to a sitemap?

No, this is not an error; if you see the status as indexed coverage as indexed but not uploaded in sitemaps, and Google’s new search console gives you more detailed information about your website than the old search console, and GSC also states these are acceptable URLs, there’s nothing to worry about.


This clearly mentions this blog that is Indexed but not Submitted in Sitemap is not a big issue. This cannot hurt your SEO and rankings. This is the common error shown by the google search console because google does not crawl sitemaps frequently. I hope you can able to fix this error.

Post by SEOQuerie

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